April 18, 2019
Scupper 128
1: Sand and varnish (#3) the trim to the forward cabin.
2: Lightly sand, clean, and apply second coat of semi-gloss white enamel to the head.
3: Lightly sand, clean, and apply second coat of semi-gloss white enamel to the overhead and other panels.
4: Perform final milling operations on galley door #4 to produce groove for the center panel; mill chamfered edge detail around panel opening, and mill plywood panel to size.
5: Sand inside edges of all frame pieces to remove tool marks; lay out and drill ventilation holes in pleasing visual pattern in four door panels; glue doors together with epoxy adhesive.
6: Mill and install edge trim for head/cockpit instrument access panel.
7: Pre-cut into rough lengths and set aside frame and stile pieces for the doors to the forward cabin.
8: Straighten edges of new cherry boards and mill 2″ wide planks, then resaw into half-thickness sufficient material for the cabin sole planking. (Planing to final thickness still to come.)
9: Sand companionway ladder and bungs with 220 grit to remove glue residue and prepare for varnish.
Total time billed on this job today: 8 hours
0600 Weather Observation: 21°, clear. Forecast for the day: Partly sunny with increasing clouds, 49°