Calliope Girl 85


Calliope Girl, an S&S 34' Sloop


October 2023 – May 2024

Project Scope:  Rebuild interior to incorporate various changes

Project Complete:  843 Total Hours

Begin Daily Project Logs

March 15, 2024

Calliope Girl 85


Picking up where I left off, I finished up work on the removable step and access panel for the v-berth.  With all the pieces in place on board, I started by marking, drilling, and installing four threaded inserts in the support cleats to accept the thumbscrew fasteners that would secure the panel, while making it quick to remove.  I also made some reference measurements and marks on the various pieces of the platform to help me with the next step of adding a support beam and modifying the aftermost section of the platform.

With the panel and step down on the bench, I installed support cleats along the top edge to eventually accept fasteners to secure the after part of the removable platform.  While I left the glue to cure, I prepared and installed a removable support beam at the seam where I planned to cut the top panel into two sections–the forward section of which would generally remain fixed, while the after section would be permanently secured to the step panel so they would come out as a unit for good access.  I secured the removable beam with two bolts on each side, just temporarily for now since all of this would be coming back out a little later so I could finish systems work and painting inside the space.  I cut the platform panel at the appropriate spot and secured the forward section.

With the glue securing the cleats cured sufficiently, I secured the after part of the platform to the step panel with screws into the new cleats, creating a combined unit that was easy to remove and provided excellent access to the most crucial part of the space within.

Next, I moved on to the berth fiddles in the main cabin, starting with the quick and easy starboard side, then cutting and fitting the 5 angled pieces to fit around the port berth and battery box.

With the week’s and the day’s major goals of completing the work necessary before interior cushions could be patterned now met, I decided to use the afternoon to see how many of the smaller jobs I could knock off my list.  I started with the galley sink, where I needed to mask off the sink bowl and apply a bead of surface sealant along the seam between the sink and the countertop. I didn’t worry about sealant getting on the exposed plywood of the cutout, as sometime later, once the sealant was cured, I’d paint this area as well.

Next, I installed the new hatch leading to the port cockpit locker, using sealant and machine screws set into tapped holes.

In the adjacent propane locker, I installed the new solenoid switch and secured the wiring and supply hoses accordingly.  To help tame and secure the hoses the way I wanted them, I installed a wire tie mount on the back of the locker, though I had to wait for the adhesive to cure before I could install the tie.

This left me enough time to clean, position, and apply a coat of satin rubbed effect varnish to the 26 ceiling strips from the forward cabin.

Total time billed on this job today: 7.5 hours

0600 Weather Observation: 39°, light rain. Forecast for the day: Light rain, 44°