Calliope Girl 125


Calliope Girl, an S&S 34' Sloop


October 2023 – May 2024

Project Scope:  Rebuild interior to incorporate various changes

Project Complete:  843 Total Hours

Begin Daily Project Logs

May 17, 2024

Calliope Girl 125


In a short work day, I continued work on the mast enclosure, starting next with the forward-facing section.  I laid out the remaining pieces to help determine which was which, as it wasn’t immediately obvious, and was starting to compare grain patterns with the photos I had from when the boat was delivered, but then I noticed that some smart person had labeled the forward piece before removing it from the boat, so that made the whole process easier.  I cut the existing panel slightly shorter to match the measurement I’d taken in the boat, and installed it with a couple screws just to hold it.

I continued with the after panel, which required a relief cut on the bottom to fit around the battery box.  Again, I installed this panel with just a couple screws to hold it, as I planned to dismantle the enclosure once I had checked and fitted all the related parts.  I marked the top of the panel for future reference as well.

Finally, I installed the inboard section to close off the box.  The last piece of the puzzle would be the door that closed off the head, and latched against the inboard panel, but installation of the door would have to wait till the hanging locker door was hung first.

Having accomplished what I wanted, I took a moment to clean up the cabin and set up all the cushions so I could get some decent photos of the more-or-less finished project, with just a few small items on my list to finish up over the next few days.

Finally, I applied another coat of white enamel to the chainlocker hatch.

Total time billed on this job today: 1.5 hours

0600 Weather Observation: 49°, partly cloudy. Forecast for the day: Mostly sunny, 71°