February 12, 2017
Halcyon 30
With a major winter storm predicted for Sunday night and Monday, I changed my painting plans a bit and chose to spray the finish primer coats on Sunday morning instead of Monday, rather than run the risk of losing power at some critical moment during the storm on Monday, as well as to keep my schedule more or less on track. Even ignoring the sensationalistic hype surrounding the snowstorm, it looked to be significant, and windy, and during the height of the storm wouldn’t be the ideal time to be in the middle of spraying.
So, after final preparations and tack-off, I applied three sprayed coats of epoxy-based finish primer to the deck areas.
Total time billed on this job today: 4 hours
0600 Weather Observation:
12°, cloudy, 4-5″ light, fluffy snow yesterday and overnight. Forecast for the day: heavy snow late, overnight, and Monday, 18-24″ predicted