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Progress Report: 2005
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Reports from January,
1/9/05 1/16/05
1/23/05 1/30/05 |
Log for the Week Ending January 2, 2005
With Christmas behind (and we don't care about the New Year thing), it seemed
like I might be able to finally get back into a proper routine. It didn't
help that I was still fighting off the year's most ridiculous virus, left over
from the week before Christmas; however, life must go on, so I plunged forward and got
back to work.
began the week working on the cockpit sole installation, now that the area of
the hull beneath the sole was painted and more or less complete. When the
sole was installed, I moved right onto the cockpit sides, a step I had been
eagerly anticipating because I couldn't fair the decks until the cockpit sides
were in. Over the space of a couple days, I installed the cockpit sides,
and moved on to some additional fiberglassing and filleting as well.
Click here for
more on the cockpit sides. |
the cockpit sides in place and glassed at their top edge, I could begin the
much-anticipated step of fairing the decks. Again, future steps in the
construction process hinged on the completion of this step, so I wanted to get
the decks smooth and surfaced as soon as possible. Over a few days, I
applied and sanded several coats of sticky purple fairing compound. This
was a slow process with little visual gain, but key to the overall construction.
Click here for more
information. |
Log for the
Week Ending January 9, 2005
The week got off to a slow start in the shop. Sunday, I managed to finish
longboarding the second application of fairing compound on the deck, and applied
the needed third coat, which I left to cure. I had errands and other
commitments on Monday that kept me away from the shop throughout the day; that
was OK, since I was waiting for a shipment of sandpaper before I could
continue work on the deck fairing anyway. Tuesday, I was away from the
shop again, with previous commitments. |
I finally was back for a full day. Awaiting me was sanding the entire deck
with the longboard again, to smooth the 3rd application of fairing compound that
I had applied way back on Sunday. Leaving the epoxy for so many days after
application was a mistake, one that I thought of while I applied it (knowing
that I might not have time till Wednesday), but that I had ignored for the sake
of efficiency. In any event, sanding was quite difficult and challenging,
and took many hours to complete. By 1500, however, I had the whole deck
sanded and the 4th coat of compound applied--thankfully, this time only in
select areas, as the deck was nearly fair after the 3rd sanding. Thursday,
I was disappointed to find that my shop heater had experienced an error
overnight and needed to be reset (this happens from time to time with Monitors),
so the shop had been cooler overnight than expected. As a result, the 4th
coat of compound had not sufficiently cured to allow sanding, so that had to
wait until Friday, when I finally completed this round of backbreaking work.
here for more about the fairing. |
on Friday, after completing the deck sanding, I set to work to remove the old
stern tube for the propeller shaft. The original was in lousy shape, so it
required replacement; plus, installing a new tube would give me a bit more
leeway and adjustment room when it came time to install the new engine and
Click here to read about stern tube
removal. |
after finishing up the final (for the coarse fairing, at least) sanding on the
decks, I shifted focus to the cockpit, first sanding the fillets around the
edges, and then preparing for and completing the installation of a layer of
fiberglass on the cockpit sole. I was pleased to get this done, as it
meant that I could leave the fiberglass to cure for the remainder of the
weekend, and it would be ready for grinding and further steps on Monday morning.
Click here to read
about glassing the cockpit sole. |
Log for the Week
Ending January 16, 2005
On Monday,
I turned to the unsavory task of grinding the new fiberglass in the cockpit.
The job ended up taking longer than anticipated (natch), but at the end of the
morning the surface was relatively smooth, with excess resin and rough edges
ground away. Afterwards, I applied some surfacing putty (epoxy) to help
fill the remaining weave of the cloth, and also applied additional fairing
compound to the cockpit sides to blend the fiberglass with the plywood.
Click here
for more detail on the cockpit sole surfacing and finishing. |
In the afternoon, with uncured fairing compound in the cockpit, I decided to
start a mockup of the cabin trunk, to confirm what its ultimate appearance might
be and to help provide a rough pattern for later on when I recreated the cabin
trunk in mahogany.Click here to watch the
mockup construction. |
Tuesday morning, after conducting some business off site, I sanded the surfacing
compound on the cockpit. The end result was a smooth, fair surface ready
for additional steps and final surfacing before final finishing. |
When I was done with the cockpit work, which took the rest of the morning and
into the afternoon, I continued with the cabin trunk mockup. Today,
I added a mockup of the cockpit coaming, and also built a coachroof for the
cabin trunk so that I (and you) could better visualize what the finished
product might look like, and to double check its physical dimensions and
appearance versus my conceptual drawing.
Click here for more on the mockup. |
Late in the day, I spot-applied some additional fairing compound to the cockpit
area, mainly to fine-tune the corner fillets and fill a few small low spots.
In the morning, I sanded the cured filler, and then
went over the whole cockpit area--sides, sole, and deck-cockpit joint--with a
palm sander to further smooth the surfaces and create some small roundovers at
the transition between deck and cockpit. At this point, the cockpit was
ready for final surfacing, which I would do later on. |
With snow in the air and uncertainty over when I might have to leave for
plowing, my shop day was somewhat truncated. Since the major work on the
decks was done for the time being, to fill some of the time, I worked to lower
the staging planks outside the hull, lowering them 2' to the lower level of my
supports in preparation for some upcoming hull work and fairing. |
Bending the curvature into the forward portion of
the cabin trunk would, of course, require laminating many thin pieces around a
form. Earlier, I had ordered enough stock for this task, but because of
the width required, I had no way of resawing the boards in the shop. In
preparation for the much-anticipated task of building the curved cabin trunk, I
dropped three mahogany boards off at a local sawyer for resawing into 1/4"
slabs. I could plane them thinner in the shop if need be. Because of
a backlog (no pun intended--though I suppose the forestry industry might
actually have been the genesis of this term, now that I think of it...hmm...),
it looked like it might be a week or so before I could get the resawn boards
back. |
Thursday, I turned my attention to the hull, which had remained virtually
untouched for well over a year, since I originally ground the paint off
before the barn was even built. It was time to start the arduous task of
fairing and surfacing.
Click here for more. |
Later in the day, I set to work in the cabin installing the beginnings of
ceiling support strips in the v-berth, one of the final tasks required there.
Click here to read all about it. |
morning, I sanded the first coat of fairing compound on the hull, which
highlighted the low spots that required additional filling. Because of
some Friday afternoon commitments, and plans to help fiberglass another boat on
Saturday, I didn't apply a second coat of fairing compound just yet. I
hoped to apply that on Sunday, so that I could sand again on Monday morning.
Look for the results, and more, next week! |
Log for the Week Ending January 23,
anticipated, I applied a second coat of fairing filler to the upper portion of
the topsides on Sunday morning, so that it would be ready for sanding when I
went to work on Monday.
Click here
to go to the hull fairing page for the updates.
I spent a couple hours sanding the second coat of filler, which left a
relatively (coarsely) fair surface. There were a few low spots remaining,
so I applied a third coat of QuikFair to those specific areas.
It's all here
on the fairing page. |
During what remained of Monday, I continued working
on the v-berth ceiling strips. Before the day was over, I completed their
installation, adding wood and fiberglass.
Click here to see the final steps. |
I sanded the third and final coat of QuikFair filler on the hull, concentrating
on getting the surface as smooth and fair as possible. The overall result
was quite fair even after these initial steps, but more work was needed.
To get a perfectly fair and smooth surface before moving on to high build
primer, I applied a skim coat of AlexSeal fairing filler to the port side of the
hull; I covered only one side because I was worried about my stamina for
longboarding (manually) both sides of the hull in one day--I envisioned
backbreaking work akin to that required for boarding the decks--so I decided to
split the job in half.
Check it out here. |
had hoped to sand the fairing filler on Wednesday, but unfortunately it had not
cured sufficiently. This left me rather loose-endy during Wednesday, as my
plans for the day had been shot. To fill time time, I skim coated the
starboard side, figuring that it would take until Friday to cure, and then
helped Nathan on Dasein
work on his major deck project for a good part of the afternoon. |
I was up at 0230 to go plowing, but managed to get into the shop by mid-morning,
where I found the port side fairing compound was ready to sand. I was
pleased at the ease with which it sanded, and in a surprisingly short time I had
sanded the whole side (see the detailed description for why it was so easy).
Yup: I'm
sending you to the fairing page again. |
the port side sanded, and the starboard side still a bit too soft for sanding
(as anticipated), I filled out some more time by painting the v-berth area
around the new ceiling support strips.
here to go to the V-berth.
With that, I decided to take the afternoon off
from shop work, as I'd already had a 12-hour day by that point, and there was
little else I could do on the boat in any event. |
Friday, I longboarded the starboard side of the
hull, following the same process described for doing the port side the day
before. That was about all I managed to accomplish in the shop that day,
as there was heavy-duty grinding occurring on neighboring Dasein, so I
couldn't effectively work in the dust. It was a good opportunity for me to
attend to a variety of neglected administrative and other tasks, however.
I headed to the shop for what I thought would be a rather quick job:
applying the second coat of fairing compound to fill the grooves in the hull
left from the first coat. However, the job took longer than anticipated,
nearly 4 hours, and by the time I was done I had little appetite for other
projects on my list. I tend to be specific project-focused, and with the
other major projects ahead of me requiring substantial concentration and amounts
of my time, I couldn't shift gears to those tasks just yet.
Click here
to go back to the fairing page for the description.
I posted the log a bit early, on Saturday night,
as we were expecting a blizzard overnight and Sunday and I thought I might be
busy plowing in the morning. |
Log for the Week
Ending January 30, 2005The
"blizzard", for us anyway, ended up being far less intense than anticipated,
with only about 8-9" of snow received. We escaped the feet of snow and
high winds experienced by the Boston area, and ended up with a significant snow,
but nothing unusual in the least.
with a slightly late start after my usual administrative tasks, I set to work
sanding the hull. The fairing compound had had adequate time to set up,
with all night Saturday and all day Sunday under its belt, so my task of the day
was to sand the hull smooth. |
was out of the shop all day on Tuesday, but managed in the afternoon to apply a
third coat of filler to the low spots on the hull. The material had to
cure throughout the day Wednesday, but on Thursday I sanded these final spots
smooth, and sanded the entire hull to 120 grit.
Click here for more
about the final fairing steps. |
Friday, I coated the remaining exposed plywood in the cockpit (on the vertical
sides) with unthickened epoxy to prepare them for a final smooth sanding and
then high build primer coats.With the
ongoing hull process, a filthy shop, and a delay in the readiness of the resawn
wood I needed to proceed with the cabin trunk, I had difficulty finding many
tasks that I could attend to without a major shift in gears. The hull and
deck fairing absorbed many weeks, and I had had enough. I looked forward
to moving on with other aspects of the construction, and expected to be ready to
jump back in with both feet next week.
In the meantime, I had the opportunity to take
care of a few shop tasks and other things that had been neglected for a few
months. Progress in the shop was rather slow this week, but another major
step in the overall process was complete, with hull and deck both ready for high
build primer and final surfacing. |
Continue to February>