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Progress Report:
2003 Archives |
Reports from September 2003
9/7/03 9/14/03
9/21/03 9/28/03
Log for the
Week Ending September 7, 2003
The crane was scheduled for
Tuesday morning. I got up, as usual, just before 6; at almost the same
moment, I became aware of the sound of a big diesel engine. Peering out
the window, I saw the crane had arrived and was backing in the driveway.
Wow! The big day was finally here: raising the walls and roof
trusses by crane, the modern equivalent of a large group of Amish farmers in
floppy hats. At long last, I'd be able to see what the barn was going to look
here to see more about the crane and raising the walls.
progress on the barn slowed dramatically after Tuesday's big barn-raising event;
inevitably, this is the case in construction. Bob and Rod sheathed the
back and front walls up as high as the gables, and that pretty much took the
whole day. Thursday featured heavy, steady rain through the morning, and
therefore no work could be done on the barn. It was disappointing to have
no work accomplished, but such is life.
it rained, I worked on materials lists for those portions of the job that I'm
doing (windows, insulation, doors, electrical, finish work, etc.) and prepared
to go to the store to pick up a load of project and electrical supplies. I
picked up 750' of 14/2 cable, 250' of 14/3 (for three-way switches), and all
the outlets, switches, and boxes that I needed for my electrical plan.
Later, I redrew my initial rough schematic in order to make it easier to
follow once I got into wiring (hopefully next week sometime). Work
on the barn continued Friday, with Bob working alone on some of the
smaller--yet critical--details: anchoring the walls to the slab (they
were only temporarily nailed in place), adding necessary framing to the
gables so that sheathing could be installed, and myriad other details, all
of which helped the progress march--albeit slowly--onward.
here to see more detail on the week's barn work.
Unfortunately, no work was performed on the boat
itself this week. Although there is still a fair bit of grinding to be
done before any new construction can begin, I felt that the pressure was
off--I had gotten rid of the worst of the interior grinding, and believed
that the boat was ready to be moved into the barn whenever possible.
Besides, my free time has been taken up this week with barn stuff and
sailing. Over the coming few weeks, I expect that this trend will
continue, as I have an ever-growing list of projects on the barn to
complete, as I try to finish as much work as possible before the boats go
inside early next month.
As fun (and interesting, I
hope) as the barn construction is, it is not really the focus of this site,
or the Daysailor project. It has been dominating my thoughts lately,
but soon enough it will be complete, I'll have my new shop set up, and I can
get to some serious work on the boat. That was, after all, the whole
point of building the barn in the first place!
Log for the
Week Ending September 14, 2003
Surprisingly, Bob arrived
here bright and early Sunday morning to work. I guess he was feeling
like he wanted to get some progress made on the barn, as I know he's looking
forward to being done as much as I am; he has other things to do and of
course would like to wrap the job up.
By himself, he completed the
final tier of sheathing on the front gable and then set up new staging on
the north wall, from which he began the roof sheathing. By early
afternoon, he had about 3/4 of the north roof sheathed--an excellent
accomplishment, I think.
here for more information on the barn's construction progress for this week.
Bob worked on that, I set to work grinding more of the inside of the hull on
the Daysailor. Switching to my soft pad and 40 grit discs, I sanded as
far forward as the main bulkhead on both sides; all that remains is the
forward sections of the boat. A mountain of dust remained.
in the day, after Bob had left, I decided to go ahead and cut out the
openings for the clerestory windows on the south wall. I knew I'd be
installing all seven windows, and figured this was as good a time as any to
cut the openings free.
Progress was slow on the barn for much of the
week, in part because most of the jobs underway simply took time.
Monday, the roof sheathing was completed; Tuesday, the front gable and south
wall trim was completed. Wednesday, Bob had other business to attend
to, so no work occurred on the barn. However, I found myself with a
free afternoon and, with Bob's excellent staging already set up on the south
wall outside the window openings, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to
install the seven clerestory windows in their rough openings.
here for more information on the windows.
Thursday was wiring day. I enlisted
the help of my friend Nathan to pull wiring and help with the rough in, so
between the two of us we accomplished quite a lot over the course of
the day. Earlier in the week, over a couple evenings' work, I had
installed all the boxes in the walls and ceilings for the electrical system
I had drawn up, so our work mostly involved shooting holes through the studs
and pulling wires according to my circuit plan. By the end of the day,
there was still work to be done, but we had pulled nearly 700' of 14/2 Romex
and wired over 20 wall outlets. On Friday, I had an electrical pull
the new 4-conductor supply cable out to the barn through the conduit, and
revamp the house's main service panel so that the shell of the old panel
could be installed in the barn. While that was going on Friday, I
worked on more of the barn wiring and installed more outlets and other odds
and ends (I was in need of more wire, which I didn't have on hand, so I
worked on whatever I could do). Then on Saturday, armed with lots more
wire and other things that I needed, I worked the whole day and got nearly
all of the wiring installed and ready for installation in the panel.
here to read more about the wiring and electrical.
Bob got the roof shingling
underway on Thursday and Friday, bringing the barn closer to being weather tight.
It's a big roof, and progress was slow with Bob working mostly alone, but
little by little the job is getting done. I'm looking forward to the
roof being tight so that I can get insulation installed before October
8, the day that the boats will be transported into the barn for the
winter. It's going to be a bit of a time crunch all around--isn't that
always the way? It seems all projects tend to expand, lengthwise, into
the time available, however long or short it may be. The month is half
over, and there's a long way to go in the project.
I'll post more details on the
roof and trim when the job is more complete--probably by the end of next
Log for the
Week Ending September 21, 2003
Sunday, I wired up the barn's
main electrical panel. I had hoped and intended to do it Saturday, but
I had forgotten Saturday morning to pick up the breakers I needed, so I had
to return to the store later Saturday to pick them up. I had enough to
do to finish up the rough wiring that this wasn't a significant setback; as
it was, I barely had enough time on Saturday to complete all the rough
here for more on the electrical system in the barn.
I was anxious to have all
circuits completed--i.e. all hard-wired fixtures installed--so on Monday I
picked up a gable light, exterior lighting, and a few other odds and ends
needed to complete the system. I also had to purchase a new 32'
fiberglass extension ladder, as an old aluminum one I had borrowed turned
out to be scary; the big ladder is required in order to reach the gables,
roof, etc., so it was just one of those things. Meanwhile, Bob was at
work framing up the back (west) gable end and working on the
sheathing. Unfortunately, he ran just short of the T-111 near the end, and the
local lumber store didn't have any in stock, so he had to bring that down
the next available day to finish the job.
Tuesday brought heavy
rain--unexpected rain, as they had been predicting showers. Another
strike for our esteemed forecasters. Anyway, no real work was
accomplished Tuesday. I went out to the barn when it started pouring,
because I was concerned about leaks harming the electrical
installation. Indeed, rain was pouring through the ridge on the roof,
which was wide open, and dripping through the unshingled side of the
barn. Hurriedly, I rigged up a few pieces of plastic as needed to
protect some outlets and the breaker panel, all of which were getting
dripped on. Later in the day, when the rain let up, I successfully
completed the 3-way switch wiring.
With hurricane Isabel, or
some portion thereof, due here on Friday, I implored Bob to try and finish
the roof before then, in case we got a lot of rain. So Wednesday and
Thursday were busy days for him: on Wednesday, he completed all the
roof trim (required before applying the shingles), and on Thursday he got
the north side of the roof completely shingled. Friday morning, before
any rain, he installed the ridge vent and cap, completing the roof.
And just in time, too, as late in the afternoon we received some moderate
rain, courtesy of the hurricane formerly known as Isabel.
here to see some details about the roof and trim.
Bob gives me a very fair deal on materials, I ordered insulation, workbench
materials, and barn door materials through him, and this was all delivered
on Friday and placed inside the barn. It's apparent that I have my
work cut out for me! I looked forward to installing insulation over
the weekend, though Bob had to complete strapping the underside of the
trusses before I could begin.
on Friday, I installed the five windows in the back wall (you knew it was
coming, didn't you), and installed the entry door on the north wall, which
had been delivered along with the other materials earlier in the day. Click
here to see the new windows and door.
straining his back on Friday, Bob was back on Saturday, along with his
helper, to get the strapping installed on the trusses. The strapping
(3/4" pine) stabilizes the trusses, stiffens the structure, and
provides a surface on which to rest the ceiling insulation. It took
forever, and since it was too damp outside to stain (which I had been hoping
to begin), I really couldn't do a thing inside or outside the barn all day
Saturday, which frankly drove me nuts and left me in a dark mood since I had
really intended to be able to do something. Sigh.
strapping was done by about 1530, and I immediately set to work on the
insulation in the attic. The process was well underway by late
Saturday evening, and I planned for full days on Sunday and beyond as
necessary to finish the insulating/vapor barrier job. Look for full
results next week. Click
here to read more about the insulation.
Log for the
Week Ending September 28, 2003
Well, once again it was all about the
barn. For those of you who are bored with barn stuff, hang in
there. Boat work will be coming, I promise!
Some of you may notice that
this log was posted early, on Friday. I had to leave for the weekend,
so I took care of the update early so as not to leave anyone hanging on
With Glissando's haulout day--and the day the
Daysailor hull gets moved into the shop--fast approaching only a couple
weeks away, I worked feverishly to get as much done with the barn as
possible before then. The barn is at a point now that even if I got
nothing else done, it would be enough--but the more I can get done first,
the better.
I worked steadily most of the
week, spending nearly all hours of the day in the barn. I began
where last week's log left off: bright and early Sunday morning, I was
hard at work on the insulation. During the day Sunday, I completed the
ceiling insulation, and moved on to--and completed--the walls
insulation. It was a big job that required a lot of cutting, up and
down ladders, and shuffling gear on the floor to make room.
here to read more about the insulation. By
the end of Sunday afternoon, the insulation was complete, and I spent some
time cleaning up the shop and preparing to install the white plastic
(doubling as a vapor barrier and final interior surface) over the insulation
the next day. Monday morning, I began installing the white
plastic; I worked all day, and a few hours the next completing this chore. Read
more about the vapor barrier here.
the remainder of Tuesday afternoon, I worked on trimming out the various
switches and outlets (putting the plastic cover plates on), and then turned
my attention to installing the ceiling lights. I purchased 15, 4'
(2-bulb) fluorescent shop lights and installed them, one by one, on the
ceiling. Each light required some minor assembly, and then
installation 16' above the floor. Again, Bob's rolling pipe staging
sure came in handy. Over a period of several hours, I managed to
complete the back three rows of lights--3 in each row. Exhausted, I
left the rest for the morning.
next morning, I finished up the lighting early so that the staging would be
ready for Bob to remove and take home; he was expecting to be finished this
day or the next. All he had left was cornerboards, door trim, and some other
final details. After I finished up the last light, I dabbled in
beginning the framework for my huge bench at the back end of the shop, but
it was a beautiful day and I felt the need to go for a sail; I hadn't had a
break from the barn in days. Late in the afternoon, I finished up the
bench frame. Click here
to see more information on the shop setup and accessories.
I worked on building one of the rolling doors. I began with the side
door, since it is somewhat smaller than the huge ones that will be needed in
the front. After some substantial head-scratching over the barn
door hardware that I had received from the lumberyard (Bob and I had to have
a little conference, and even made a run to a local store to try and locate
something different), I began the door construction. Later, after Bob
had left (his work on the barn is complete!! It's all mine now...)
something clicked in my mind, and I figured out the hardware.
Therefore, I was able to complete the door and get it hung by mid-afternoon.
here to read how I built the door.
Continue to October>