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Progress Report:
2003 Archives |
Reports from June 2003
6/1/03 6/8/03
6/15/03 6/22/03 6/29/03
for the Week Ending June 1, 2003
Sunday of Memorial Day
weekend turned out to be not nearly as bad as had been predicted. It
started out gray and drizzly, but the rain ended by mid-morning, and it
remained mostly cloudy for most of the day. In the afternoon, the
sun even broke out here and there, and after determining that the inside
of the boat was dry enough to use power tools, I set to work with my
Sawz-all and about 10 new blades.
more about the latest round of interior demolition here.
The rest of the weekend was
pretty lousy, weatherwise, although the rain is good to
"pre-soak" all the remaining components in the boat!
All this interior demolition is gearing me up for the upcoming task of
deck removal--something I am anticipating with much excitement.
I finally worked to
straighten the boat out a bit on her stands. It's been driving me
nuts. Because the boat arrived after dark in December, and was
placed on a compound incline (slanting in two directions), she ended up
badly tilting to starboard, and bow-down. The stands were a bit
precarious, but I was scared to do much of anything without a spare
stand. Once Glissando was launched, I had extra stands, so
finally I got around to straightening the boat a bit. There wasn't
much I could do about the bow-down attitude--that's a function of the
blocking as much as anything--but I did straighten her out to close to
level athwartships. I also repositioned and straightened the stands,
so I feel much more comfortable about the boat's support at this
time. I like my boat hauler, but I don't love how he sets the stands
up--kind of haphazard. On Glissando, I always reset the
stands once the boat's home and the truck has departed.
However, with Sea Witch, as I mentioned, the boat was tilting so
badly that I was reluctant to try--plus, the boat was snowed in from the
day after she arrived until March.
Now, though, I decided to
go for it. I had a quiet afternoon on hand with not much to do, so
why not? With one extra stand, it was easy to move the stands as
necessary to position the bases better, and I slowly loosened the stands
on the port side, while tightening the starboard stands. The boat
moved so far to port as a result of being stood up straighter that my
electric cord, running through the air between the garage and the boat and
loosely hooked inside the boat to hold it (you can see it in the interior photo
above), became tight, whereas before it contained a catenary.
Mostly, I straightened the boat because I was sick of looking at the goofy
tilt. It really makes no difference at this stage of the project,
since only removal and destruction is currently ongoing.
went to the town office to obtain my building permit for the barn, but the
inspector/building permit guy was out on inspections, so I left
empty-handed. I'll head back early next week and get the
thing. Time to light a fire under me and really get this process
underway. Time's a wastin'! |
for the Week Ending June 8, 2003
got the building permit for the barn on Tuesday morning--no
problems. Unfortunately, though, my excavation contractor can't get
to the job for about 8 weeks, so it looks like things are on the slow-down
plan. I called another local company, but as of this writing have
heard nothing back.
Late Tuesday afternoon, I
did some more work on the interior demolition, ripping away most of the
vee berth plywood and cabinetry. (Boy, that's using the term
more about this portion of the interior demolition here.
By the time Tuesday had
ended, I could tell that it was time to move onto the next--and certainly
most drastic--step in the process of converting this boat into the
Daysailor. Yup--I'm talking about removing the deck. My friend
Nathan had expressed interest in being around and helping with the deck
removal, so we bandied about a few potential dates that might work for
both of us. As it turned out, Nathan was unexpectedly free on
Wednesday afternoon, as was I, so we decided to plunge into the job.
all about the deck removal here.
for the Week Ending June 15, 2003
Sunday afternoon, I finished cutting
away the remains of the toerail and other bits of remaining deck left over
from our major deconstructive surgery the Wednesday prior.
Click here to
read more about the toerail and remaining deck removal. Steve
Morse showed up Wednesday afternoon to move the boat back to my designated
toxic boat work site. I know it seems silly to move the boat now,
only to move it again later once the barn is built, but since the barn is
at least two months away from being built, the boat's old location front
and center in the dooryard was starting to hamper my ability to do some of
the dirty work (paint removal, grinding, etc.). I only want one dead
spot in my yard, after all. So we moved the boat back, and things
look much happier in the yard now. Click here to see a few photos of the
boat in her new temporary location.
deck removal, I discovered that the fuel tank was full of old
gasoline. Into a pair of gas cans, I siphoned 10 gallons of
nasty, bright yellow-colored gasoline for later disposal. With the
fuel removed, I could pull the tank, along with the twisted remains of the
copper fuel lines and small Racor filter, out of the boat for temporary
storage with the other demolition debris.

As I whittle away slowly at
interior and parts removal, I continue to discover interesting things
about the boat--and some general Triton construction details that may be
of interest.
Click here for more.
Log for the
Week Ending June 22, 2003
With the boat now in a good
location where I can work on such nasty chores as grinding the hull
(inside and out), I made moves in the direction of accomplishing just
that. I'm trying to get the rest of the garbage stripped out of the
interior, so I spent some time with a Sawz-All--equipped with my new
favorite, if expensive, carbide-tipped blade (awesome!)--cutting out more
of the remaining bits and pieces. I got rid of the aftermost
bulkhead--the one that had been beneath the forward end of the cockpit,
and finally tore out the head platform. The stubborn head seacock
pad remains for the time being, with no easy way to remove it in
sight. It looks like I'll just end up grinding it out when I get to
work with my big angle grinder inside.
got fed up with the nastiness in the bilge. The old bilge had been
filled with a sort of oily, dirty sludge, and over the past few weeks I
had made some inroads towards getting it clean. Still, it managed to
remain disgusting, and the thick ooze would collect all manner of paint
chips, sawdust, and general nastiness. Without floorboards, moving
about inside the boat is often made easier by walking through the bilge,
and I was sick of the sludge. I decided to give it a soak with some
detergent-filled water to loosen the sludge and clean things up a bit, so
I plugged the small existing drain hole with a bolt sealed in plumber's
putty, filled the bilge with water and Dawn dishwashing liquid (the only
suitable soap I had on hand--I didn't want to go to the store), and let it
soak overnight. I agitated the water to make suds, and scrubbed the
area with a brush to loosen the grime. With the bilge full up and
sudsy, it looked like a sort of freakish sno-cone. The new hit
flavor, perhaps? Bilge sludge. Coming to a 7-11 near you.
the soaking had a modicum of success. The bilge is much, much
cleaner than before, and I managed to get out all the remaining sludge and
paint bits with a shop-vac. |

Cleaning the bilge out is really a mere
preparation for one of the next jobs I look forward to tackling:
beginning to grind the inside of the hull to remove any paint, remaining
tabbing, and remaining bits of structural members. With the amount
of dust that job will create, I didn't want it to stick to the junk in the
bilge--plus, I don't want to grind dirt and oil into the fiberglass with a
grinder. Better to do at least a high-level cleaning first. I
had hoped to do a trial run with the grinder one afternoon, but rain got
in the way--I need that barn so I can keep working!
finally managed to remove the stem casting, and to cut away the last tiny
bit of the old toerail and deck. I also cut out the old engine beds.
more about parts removal here.
Ready for something new to
do, I decided to set up some staging around one side of the hull and work
on paint removal--both above and below the waterline.
more about sanding the hull here. |
Log for the
Week Ending June 29, 2003
I'm afraid there is no progress to report
this week.
Continue to July>