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Reports from December 2003
12/7/03 12/14/03
12/21/03 12/28/03
Log for the Week
Ending December 7, 2003
As I prepared this week's website
update, I was amazed to see that the last time I actually did any work on the
boat itself was on August 28! Wow. Not that I wasn't busy during the
weeks in between then and now, what with the barn/shop construction and
significant Glissando projects--but still, I was surprised to see how
long it had been.
In any
event, this week I completed the demolition and unbuilding portion of the
project, ahead of my self-imposed deadline of December 23 (which marks the one
year anniversary of the boat's delivery to my backyard). From here on out,
all work will be concentrated on new construction and adding things to the hull,
rather than taking away--a project milestone, to be sure.
here for more about the final demolition.
First Snow
On Saturday, a huge snowstorm began (which was forecast to last through the
weekend), giving the boat barn its first taste of winter. Inside, all was
warm and quiet, despite the storm raging outside. I geared up for my first
plow of the season, with up to two feet of the white stuff predicted.
Log for the Week
Ending December 14, 2003
The first snowstorm of the season
turned out to be one of long duration, as any of you reading on the East Coast
well know. For nearly 36 hours, snow fell in our area, though the rates of
accumulation were not particularly intense; still, with steady snowfall for such
a long time, We got about 12+ inches here, though it was hard to know for sure
with all the drifting from howling 50-knot
winds. Then, on Thursday, the temperature rose to nearly 50 and we
received heavy rain, washing away much of the snow.
Obviously, the point I am
laboring to convey here is that no work occurred on the Daysailor this
week! It was a busy week on Glissando,
Log for the Week
Ending December 21, 2003
where do the weeks go? It seems like I blink, and it's Sunday again.
This week was a mishmash of snowstorms (another foot on Monday), more rain,
holiday preparations, and varnish. With the shop cleaned as much as
possible to rid excess dust, I attempted no work on the Daysailor this
week. (Sigh)
Merry Christmas! See you
next week.
Log for the Week Ending December 28, 2003
I had hoped to be able to report that I began work on the new construction, but as it turned out I
had little time during the week to work on either boat. After a day or two of figuring I'd have a few hours to get out to
the shop, only to find that I really didn't, I gave up and more or less decided to take a vacation for the remainder of the week,
looking forward to a fresh start on Monday. Next week, with New Years being one of those non-event holidays for us (big
deal--so the last digit of the year changes--so what), I figure I will have the opportunity to get back into the groove,
post-holiday season and all , and get back to work for real. I know it's not even January yet...but God, it's almost
January! Time to get down to brass tacks here (or should I use bronze ones) and get working. I feel like I've been in
slow motion all month. December is tough that way...I shouldn't be surprised, I guess!
Continue to January 2004>