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Reports From June, 2004
6/13/04 6/20/04 6/27/04
Log for the
Week Ending June 6, 2004
( P ) Pronunciation
Key (m -n t ,
-ny t ,
m -)
- Exceptionally small; tiny. See
Synonyms at small.
- Beneath notice; insignificant.
- Characterized by careful scrutiny and
close examination: held a minute inspection of the grounds.
[Middle English, from Latin min tus,
past participle of minuere, to lessen. See mei-2
in Indo-European Roots.] |
made minute progress on the boat this week. All kidding and
official definitions aside, at least I started to get back on track. Read
In other shop-related news: I actually
finished the Etchells job last week, though I hadn't had a chance to post any
further information or photos at that time. Now, however, the boat is done
and out of the shop, and I've posted some pictures of the priming and painting.
here to see the primed and painted Etchells.
the Etchells out of the shop, I took the opportunity to move all five of the
jackstands beneath the Daysailor, to better place the pads for some of the hull
work that would be coming up soon. Moving the stands exposed the last
remnants of bottom paint, left over from last summer's stripping. Then I
set the port staging--which I had removed to make room for the Etchells, and to
steal the planks for staging for that purpose--back up, once again surrounding
the entire boat.
Time to get back to work.
There is also lots of new stuff on Glissando's
site, so be sure to check it out.
Log for the Week
Ending June 13, 2004
Looking back, I see that the last time I did any
substantive work on the Daysailor was during the last week of April.
That's a long break--longer than I ever anticipated. With my situation
finally getting into something of a normal summer groove after myriad springtime
projects and other demands on my time, I was pleased to be able to start
dedicating time to the project again, starting this week.
It was a little tough getting back into the
groove after so long an absence. I found that I didn't really know where
to begin again. I spent some time wandering around the boat, inside and
out, trying to reacquaint myself with where I had left off.
Eventually, I decided that it was time to get
serious about final preparations leading up to deck sheathing: it was
definitely time to get a deck on this boat. It was a year ago this very
week that I cut the original deck off, so it seemed fitting that I press onwards
towards its very replacement.
here to revisit last year's deck removal, if you want. (Opens in new window)
prepare for sheathing the deck in the near future, I had a punch list of
projects to attend to, mostly surrounding the deck beams and related
areas. These projects had been on my mind for some time, but I just hadn't
gotten around to them. None were large in scope, but each small step is
part of the overall process, and cannot be ignored.
Click here for
more information about the final pre-sheathing punch list.
I took the opportunity to fill the countersunk sheer
clamp fasteners. With a batch of thickened epoxy, I filled each depression
as well as possible; they will require a second application later. My goal
was only to fill them relatively flush so that when the time comes to fiberglass
the deck (when I run some cloth right over the hull/deck joint on the outside),
the fastener holes will be ready to accept glass, should it extend down that
far. Later, of course, I'll fill and fair them perfectly smooth--that's
all a bit further down the road, though.
Searching for small things to do with the minimal
amount of raw materials I had in the shop (I've been postponing another large
plywood and lumber order...I like the project better when I avoid those large
outlays), I cut and installed the plywood at the forward end of the cabin
sole, filling in the space between the two sides of the passageway. Then I
worked on some planning for an athwartships support for the V-berth plywood,
about halfway between the chain locker bulkhead and the chainplate bulkhead.
here for more details on the continuing interior substructure.
Log for the Week
Ending June 20, 2004
I continued this week with the pre-decking
projects, and made good progress towards that end. By the end of the week,
there was little of any significance remaining before actually beginning the
deck sheathing. However, the installation of the plywood decks will have
to wait a bit more, since as of this writing I had not yet purchased the plywood
needed for the decks. My decking plan calls for two layers of
plywood: first, a down-facing layer of cosmetic beadboard plywood, which
will be visible between the deck beams from the interior; and then a top layer
of 3/8" Meranti plywood. Finally, I planned to install a couple
layers of fiberglass over the entire deck.
Since the beadboard plywood requires a number of
coats of paint before installation, I'm looking at at least another week before
any installation can occur, assuming I get a chance to buy the material early
next week. We'll see how it goes, though I am anxious to start priming and
painting the sheathing.
So what did I get done this week?
I ground the first coat of epoxy filler over the sheer clamp boltheads, and
filled in the resulting divots with a second coat of fairing compound, all
towards the goal of a smooth, fair hull in the long run.
I continued work on the breasthook, and got it
roughly cut to shape and permanently installed in place at the stem.
Click here
to read more about the breasthook.
I continued work on the deckbeams in the forward
cabin, which will be exposed in the final construction. As time allowed, I
applied several more coats of gloss varnish to build up the finish on the beams,
sanding between each coat. I finally had enough varnish on the beams to
switch from the gloss finish to the interior rubbed-effect varnish that I
planned for the final coats, and applied a couple coats of this before week's
end. As soon as I achieve the appearance I want, I'll stop, and the
varnishing will be complete for now. Obviously, it's much easier to
varnish the beams before the deck is installed above. The beams are
looking terrific, though.
I installed a cosmetic bulkhead at the aft end of
the chain locker, using plywood beadboard, which I intend to use throughout the
cabin (to be eventually accented with varnished mahogany trim in the Herreshoff
tradition). It would have been nice to have been able to simply attach the
new bulkhead to the 4" web remaining from the original chainlocker
bulkhead, but I had discovered long ago that this bulkhead, in the Triton
tradition, was horribly out of alignment and way out of plumb.
Click here for more
With most of the work at the forward end of the boat
complete and awaiting decking, I cleaned up and painted the entire chain locker
with two coats of gray Bilgekote. Each area I paint is a small step, but
the new paint sure makes a pleasing change from the old, raw fiberglass.
On the interior, I completed building and
installing an athwartships support for the V-berth platform. It seemed as
if building this small piece took an inordinate amount of time, though much of
the glasswork was wonderfully accelerated once I started using my new,
custom-made post-cure autoclave.
A new tool? No, not exactly...but placing
my glassed parts outside the shop in the hot sun sure does speed up the curing,
Read more
about the continuing interior structure here.
Finally I continued work in the "main"
cabin by installing a simple set of fiberglass-encapsulated foam supports along
the hull at the same level as the plywood skeleton of the settees.
here to see more detail about this area.
Log for the
Week Ending June 27, 2004
Where does the time go? How can June nearly be over: it just
started, seemingly!
the grand passage of time notwithstanding, work on the boat continued. I began the week by spending much of Sunday in the shop building
some of the substructure inside the to-be-settees, and milling and installing
myriad mahogany cleats to add further support for the plywood settees and
V-berth platform.
here for more information about the settee work.
Unfortunately, the remainder of the week passed in
the blink of an eye with no further time to work on the boat. See you next
Continue to July>