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7 January 2003
Interior demolition began on a
whim on a sunny winter's day. I went up on the boat to check whether or
not I could easily remove the salon backrests for a friend, and ended up
grabbing some tools and beginning the demolition of the interior that very
afternoon. In about an hour, or perhaps an hour and a half, I removed the
galley module, much of the icebox, all the teak trim pieces in the salon, and
most of the wiring in the salon and engine room.
With several feet of snow piled
up outside, and nowhere to store the junk, I threw it all up into the vee berth
for the time being. Later, I'll throw it all outside to the ground and
sort through for any usable stuff. Most of it will end up in the weekly
trash pile, though.
There's much more to come,
demo-wise, but this was a fun start.
was devastated to have to rip out this clever plaque from the
salon. NOT! |
After removing some of
the teak trim and fiddles from the settees and the shelf, I removed the
galley. It came out quite easily with some persuasion. |
Here is the galley module
after removal--still in one usable piece. The sink cover rear
hatch cover are still on board, but are somewhere in the junk pile in
the vee berth. |
I was even able to rip
out (by hand) the partial bulkhead at the forward end of the
galley. And people wonder why you shouldn't use polyester resin
for secondary bonds... |
I started on the icebox. The countertop was already loose and
lifted right off the front panel came off easily with a pry bar.
I'm making no attempts to save any of the icebox junk. |
delicate work with the wrecking bar removed the side panel, revealing
the open-cell Styrofoam insulation inside the icebox. This stuff
is worthless. |
ripped and tore at the icebox, pulling off piece after rotted
piece. As was the case in #381 Glissando, the icebox proved to be
rather difficult to remove, and since I didn't have electricity run to
#100 at this time, I stopped for now. |
also cut and removed most of the wiring and other stuff from the engine
room. Once the icebox is out, I can remove the exhaust system,
disconnect the fuel system and gear/throttle linkages, and unbolt the
engine for removal. |
created quite a pile of junk up in the vee berth. It's as good a collection
area as anything, but eventually I'll get this stuff off the boat. |

also removed the ancient cockpit coamings. They came off easily
once I removed the screws holding the blocks to the cabin trunk and a
couple token screws, but fell apart when I took them off--total junk,
though I'll save them for scrap wood if I find any parts that aren't
full of dry rot. |
Sometime later, I returned
and ripped out the rest of the icebox with more physical persuasion.
I forget when I did this.
April 2003
The sun was out, it was
warm--what a pleasure after a really lousy week before. I started
the day doing some varnish work on #381 Glissando,
and, with that done, needed something else to do, so I decided to collect
all the junk from inside the daysailor and throw it down onto the ground,
clearing the way for further demolition.
At first, I just folded
back the aft part of the cover, figuring I'd leave it on. It was hot
out, and very stuffy inside the boat without any ventilation. I got
to thinking about it, and decided that it was stupid to kill myself inside
a blue hothouse, with no compelling reason to actually leave the covers
on. What, exactly, am I trying to protect? The whole deck and
interior will be removed, so if any of the wood gets wet--who cares?
So I decided to remove both tarps. It was nice to expose the boat
again...well, sort of. I can't wait to move it from where it
sits--it's way too prominent from the house, and was never intended to
stay where it is for very long. When Glissando goes in the
water soon, I may just move the Daysailor to that spot for now.
Pictures tell the
demolition story better than I could, so here we go:
All the large pieces made a pretty impressive
pile in the cockpit. |
Here are the "electronics" from the
boat--an assortment of old wire and lousy speakers and junk. |
Here is a final round of junk from the
interior--pieces of Styrofoam, hoses, and the lovely toilet. |
The pile looked equally impressive once it was
down on the ground next to the boat. |
Later, I sorted the pile to make it easier to
throw away--large pieces, smaller pieces, foam, wire, etc. I stuffed
the small stuff in trash bags and piled the rest at the curb. I love
my trash guys. They take everything. |
This is the pitifully small "save"
pile---teak fiddles and trim, mostly, with a few other pieces. |
With things cleared out, I started removing
the settees in the salon. Behind each vertical settee panel, I found
this big gob of blue gunk holding the vertical panels in place. The
gunk was about opposite the forward end of the engine room. It looks
like the builders set the plywood into this gunk, let it cure, and then
applied the tabbing that actually held the pieces in place.
Interesting approach! |
Here is a close-up of one of the blue gunk
pieces. You might be able to see the flat impressions where the
plywood sat. These things broke free from the hull with a good
hammer whack. |
I removed the bronze port frames from the
salon. The small ones had already been removed by the previous
owner; the large frames belong to him as well. They're in great
shape and only need a little cleaning up. |
With no wooden trim and no ladder, I was
already sick to death of clambering over the annoying 1/4" thick,
4" high lip remaining at the companionway, so I cut it off.
Much better! |
I wonder how many people skinned their shins
on this ridiculous thing, poking up through the cockpit. I have no
idea what it was for, but it makes me hurt just looking at it. |
Armed with a Sawz-all and a pitifully small
collection of blades (why am I always out every time I need to use the
saw?), I removed parts of the settees, port and starboard. The
blades I had didn't much like cutting through the thick fiberglass tabbing
at the hull end of the settees, so I stayed inside that line, removing the
bulk of the material. Later, I'll cut off the remaining sections. |
Port settee looking forward. I can feel
the boat opening up inside! |
Starboard settee looking aft, towards where
the galley was. I also sawed off the short fiberglass stumps where
the hoses attached for the galley sink drain. All through hulls will
be removed and sealed, with new ones to be installed wherever they need to
be later (much later) in the building process. |
Starboard settee looking forward |
Salon looking forward from the companionway
after removing both settees, or the greater part thereof. |
Does anyone really wonder why this is the
perfect candidate boat for this destructive project? These decks are
a horror show. |
Cleaned out, ports removed, and free of blue
tarps. I decided it didn't matter a hoot if water got inside; it's
all coming out anyway. There is a drain hole in the bilge, so water
won't build up inside (at least not until the disgustingness of the bilge
plugs the small hole...I'll take care of that.) |