May 19, 2016
Patience 4
Starting from the existing top line, which I’d struck and masked earlier, I worked my way down the various boottop stripes, lowering my beams at each end the proper amount to strike each line in turn. Once I’d made the tick marks for each stripe, I masked off the line accordingly.
The first new line, representing the bottom edge of the top stripe, was 3/4″ below the topmost line.
The next line, representing the bottom edge of a hull-color band, and the top edge of the lower, wider colored stripe, was a further 3/4″ down.
The final line, representing the bottom edge of the wider stripe, was 2-1/2″ below that, leaving a 1″ band of hull color above the bottom.
With all the masking completed, there was finally a reasonable visual sense of the new striping, and it looked great.
We were still finalizing the paint colors, and awaiting some of the product, so with another boat awaiting my attention I moved on to other things for now.
Total time billed on this job today: 4 hours
0600 Weather Observation:
40°, mostly clear. Forecast for the day: sun and clouds, showers in the afternoon, 60s