Iota Refit | Sunday, March 9, 2008

I spent some time on the next steps in preparing the various woodworking bits for the boat.  I began with the sea hood, which I removed from the clamps, sanded smooth, and milled rounded edges on the top and corners.  With that, the sea hood was ready for varnish.


Next, I unclamped the forward hatch frame, sanded it smooth to remove epoxy squeezeout and then, with the hatch in place on top of the frame, marked the curved corners to match the hatch frame.  Before cutting the corners out, I placed the frame on the boat in the proper position so that I could scribe the forward and after edges to match the deck camber.  Returning to the bench, I cut the curves to the scribed lines.


Total time on woodworking projects today: 3.25 hours

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