1975 Dufour 27
Refit | Thursday, October 2, 2008
While I still had some finish sanding
remaining to do on the hull, it made more sense to wait until I could
complete several smaller jobs and some minor repairs on the hull.
To that end, I concentrated on some hull detail work through most of the
day, including the following:
- Punch and drill out remaining
rivets from rubrail
- Ream out rubrail fastener holes to
prepare for epoxy filler
- Ream out additional fastener holes
on transom and elsewhere to prepare for epoxy filler

- Hand sanded to remove remaining
paint and primer from profile edges at bow, transom, and around
engine exhaust and bilge pump outlets

- Hand sanded covestripe on both
sides to rough up paint and prepare for primer. The Awlgrip
stripe was in good condition, and I didn't see the need to
completely remove all the paint and primer from the recess. I
also opened up a couple places at the edges where the gelcoat had
broken above air pockets, and which I'd fill and fair later.

- Scraped old silicone sealant and
other sealant from the hull port openings, then coarse sanded to
remove film, and then sanded them smooth as needed.
With the hull work done for the moment, I prepared to shift focus to the
decks. To that end, I raised the staging and prepared the various
tools required for the job. I also cleaned up the shop a bit from
the hull sanding. |

Total Billable Time on This Job Today: 6.75 hours
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