110 Cookson Lane | Whitefield, ME  04353 | 207-232-7600 |  tim@lackeysailing.com

Snow Lily | Thursday, April 12, 2012

After a late start, I water-washed and lightly sanded the new fiberglass wrapping the hull-deck joint.  Somehow, the new deck edge changed the whole feel of the boat; her bones just felt stronger (and undoubtedly were).  It certainly looked nicer, anyway.



While I was sanding, I also cleaned up the cockpit and other deck areas where I'd applied fairing filler earlier, as well as the various through hulls.




Later, after cleaning up, I applied the first round of fairing filler to the hull-deck edge, beginning the process of incorporating the new material smoothly and invisibly into the adjacent surfaces. 








A few areas in the cockpit required an additional round of filler as I smoothed in the raised molded edges as necessary.

My day was a bit truncated at both ends, but before knocking off I prepared all the fiberglass required to fill in the four forward port openings, as well as sundry patches in the cockpit well.

Total Time on This Job Today:  6.25 hours

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