Kaholee Refit | January 10, 2007

Today was just pathetic.  I ended up with very little time available to get much done on Kaholee.

Nonetheless, I managed to sand yesterday's first coat of epoxy, after first washing to remove any amine blush that may have formed.  Sanding took a bit longer than it might have because I wanted to use no coarser than 80 grit paper on what was becoming finish work.  Once the sanding was complete, I cleaned up, solvent-washed, and applied a second coat as needed.   



In other news, I received the bronze seacocks and through hulls for the boat.  After some research and much consideration, I ended up recommending the Groco all-bronze ball valve seacocks for the boat.  They seemed like good-looking, quality, and compact units.  One thing I really liked was the 1/2" square hole in the bronze handle to accept a standard ratchet handle, allowing for additional leverage if required, or to allow the handles to be more easily operated when located in tight areas (which they almost always are).

Installation of seacocks and through hulls is to follow in the near future.

Total Time on This Job Today: 2.25 hours

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