Iota Refit | January 17, 2008

I began by finishing up the heat-assisted scraping of the nonskid in the cockpit, completing all but a narrow strip outboard of each cockpit locker lid, where the material simply refused to budge with any semblance of reasonability.  I'd grind it off somehow.

Afterwards, I washed and sanded the new fiberglass on the decks, concentrating the sanding mostly around the edges, to begin to fair in the new material with the adjacent decks but also lightly sanding the entire field areas.



Next, I sanded the cockpit well, seats, and other nearby areas that I hadn't yet sanded, to remove the old paint, nonskid residue, and molded nonskid pattern as needed.


After cleaning up, I wrapped up the day with the first coat of epoxy fairing compound on the new deck areas.



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