Equinox Project | Monday, January 5, 2009

I began the morning by lightly sanding all the in-process varnish work--interior trim, bulkheads, and panels.  With that done, I moved on to the day's biggest project:  removing the old engine foundations.

Before beginning the removal, I set the new engine template in place over the existing foundations, just to see how the new setup would compare with the old.  As anticipated, there was no hope of re-using the existing foundations, and after eyeballing things for a time to familiarize myself with the task ahead, I removed the template and prepared the tools and equipment I needed to remove the old foundations.

With a variety of tools, I cut and sawed out the existing foundations, which consisted of plywood supports encapsulated and tabbed with fiberglass cloth.  They were in good condition and well-bonded.  I cut and sawed the existing pieces as close to the hull as I could.

After a hiatus in the project to meet with the canvas guy, who came by to do an initial consultation on the proposed dodger, interior, and cockpit cushions, I spent most of the afternoon finishing up the engine room cleanup, including grinding away the remains of the cut tabbing and old foundations and sanding the entire space to smooth the surfaces and prepare everything for upcoming new construction and eventual painting.  I dropped a couple things into the depths of the bilge, which I'd fish out along with the demolition debris later.


The engine room work took up most of the day, but in and around various sections of the heavy work I attended to assorted other tasks, including removing the galley sink so that I could access the drain through hull location directly beneath, where I completed the removal of an old wooden backing block and sanded the area in preparation for the new through hulls and seacock fittings that I'd be installing soon.  Similarly, I prepared the inside and outside of the hull in way of the remaining three through hulls--cockpit scuppers and engine intake.


I didn't have enough time to apply additional varnish to the pieces that I sanded earlier, but at the end of the day I applied a first sealer coat to several more small pieces that I'd earlier prepared.

Total Time on This Job Today:  7.75 hours

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