Equinox Project | Friday, December 12, 2008

I spent the day working in the newly-exposed bilge.  I began by grinding the top of the ballast pig to clean it and expose unoxidized metal, after which I vacuumed up the dust and then cleaned the area thoroughly with acetone.

I brushed a coat of unthickened epoxy over the entire area, including the top of the lead and down the sides into the voids from which I'd removed the concrete earlier.  I left the epoxy to partially cure for an hour or so, and during this time cut pieces of fiberglass to size for eventual installation over the ballast cavity.


With the epoxy coating partially set up, I applied, in several applications, thickened epoxy into the gaps around the ballast pig.  In some areas on the starboard side, the opening was an inch wide and at least as deep, requiring multiple applications to fill to prevent excess heat buildup.

I finished off the initial epoxy work by creating a broad fillet to transition between the top surface of the lead and the sides of the hull, which would allow the fiberglass to easily make the curve during lamination and strengthen the area.  I had considered attempting to install the fiberglass while the fillets were still green, or partially cured, but it was clear that with the access available, this could turn into a messy and unsatisfactory proposition, so instead I left the epoxy to fully cure before proceeding and to finish up the day I ordered some materials that I'd need on hand next week as I continued the bilge project.

Total Time on This Job Today:  5.25  hours

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