1975 Dufour 27 Refit | Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I had a fairly short work list for the day, and with some other commitments going on this worked out rather well.

I began the day by cleaning and sanding the new fiberglass on the insides of the locker lids, simply scuffing up the new material to eventually accept paint, and to remove any sharp edges.


Next, I sanded the remaining filler on the decks, including two deck repairs and the instrument holes in the cockpit, and then sanded the entire deck and cockpit with 120 grit paper on a vibrating sander, the final step required before high-build primer application.

I removed the tape and plastic covering the companionway hatch, which I'd installed initially to keep the dust from the major sanding jobs out of the cabin, and detail-sanded the edges of the opening that, until now, had been covered and inaccessible.  I found one old repair at the base of the companionway, which I sanded out and replaced with new epoxy filler, leaving me one brief sanding session to take care of to tomorrow.

With my other commitments for the day, I left the project at this point, but planned a solid day of final cleaning and preparation tomorrow as I neared the readiness for the first primer coats next week.



Total Billable Time on This Job Today: 4  hours

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