Circe | Thursday, August 6, 2009

I removed the weights and plastic, and then sanded away any rough epoxy edges (after water-washing) and smoothed the areas as needed after the core installation.  I cleaned up the dust, and then spent some time measuring and cutting two layers of 1708 biaxial cloth to laminate over the core in each area.  I cut the first layer so that it extended nearly to the edge of the ground, tapered area in the adjacent deck, and the second layer 1" smaller all around.


During the remainder of the day, I laminated the two layers of new material in place over the new core, using epoxy resin.  In each case, I first filled any minor gaps around the core edges that I'd missed earlier, or that were too low, and pre-coated the core and adjacent deck with epoxy before beginning the lamination.


Total Time Billed on This Job Today:   5.25 hours

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