March 3, 2025
Danusia Phase 2-41
It was a day of minor miscellany. With just a couple smaller jobs left on the docket for this project, I wanted first to wrap up the work already underway, so I reinstalled the now well-cured midships hatch frame with its fancy new lens.
I reassembled the hardware I’d removed from the companionway swashboards and cockpit table.
I’d hoped, and frankly planned, to finish up the hull with the cove stripe, but alas, the order I’d been awaiting didn’t arrive despite promises from the postal service in my inbox all weekend. So I didn’t get anywhere with this small but important step, but did manage time late in the day to go out and pick up the new graphics for the transom, so that was something.
Total time billed on this job today: 2.5 hours