Danusia Phase 2-3


Danusia, Cape Dory 31


Project Schedule:  January 2025 – (Ongoing)

Project Scope:  Refinish brightwork, hull paint, other work TBD

Begin Daily Project Logs

January 6, 2025

Danusia Phase 2-3


The first step to refurbish the brightwork was to strip what remained of the old.  Many areas of the wood were already bare and weathered, thanks to complete coating failure, but other, more protected areas still had many layers of varnish.  Starting at the starboard bow with the anchor platform, I spent the day working with a heat gun and scraper to remove the remains of varnish from the starboard toerail/rubrail, the starboard eyebrow, starboard cockpit coaming, aft coaming, and the cabintop handrails, Dorade vent, and other small pieces of brightwork on the cabin trunk, leaving the port coaming and toerail to finish up next time.

The wood still looked terrible at this point, but sanding would clean up the dark and weathered areas, and the remnants of varnish and scraping.

Total time billed on this job today: 6.75 hours