110 Cookson Lane | Whitefield, ME  04353 | 207-232-7600 |  tim@lackeysailing.com

Hatsy II | Friday, February 25, 2011

To begin the day, I removed all the tape, paper, and plastic from the boat, now that the spraying was complete.

There were a couple details to wrap up on the hull.  First, I installed a new cove stripe, using metallic silver vinyl.  Later, I'd cut and install the crown logos at the forward end of the stripe.

I also touched up the bottom paint below the new boottop to cover up the vestiges of the old striping and bring the boat's appearance together.


With the paint work complete, I moved on to the remainder of my short list. 

The original cabin sole veneer, a section of teak veneer plywood, had been badly damaged and delaminated over the years, and the owner requested I replace it.  Using the old piece as a pattern, I laid out the shape and cutouts on a new piece of teak and holly plywood and carefully made the cuts as required.

I checked the fit in the boat, then lightly sanded the new material to prepare it for varnish.  Meanwhile, I stripped the two existing hatch covers, which were still in good shape, and prepared to revarnish them to match.  Late in the day, I applied a sealer coat of varnish to the new pieces, and would continue to build coats over the next several days.


The original wooden coaming pocket trim pieces were in terrible shape.  I'd managed to hold the pieces of one side together to use for a pattern for the new ones requested by the owner, and in a series of milling operations I recreated the original trim from new teak.  Then, I applied a sealer coat of varnish to the new pieces, and would continue to apply additional coats over the next few days.


Total Time on This Job Today:  6.75  hours

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