Circe | Monday, October 12, 2009

The morning was a bit disjointed with a boat arriving at the shop and other distractions, but in between the other tasks I cut and installed the support cleats on the underside of the final settee piece.


Afterwards, I worked on some additional galley layout.  With the core structures in the main cabin basically complete, working out the remaining galley details was next on the list.  Using a measured drawing and my luaun range mockup, I roughed out the eventual position of the range on the forward galley bulkhead--or at least a proposed location, pending adjustments later--and determined the basic position of the second bulkhead required to support the range and additional galley cabinets.  I also made sure the range would gimbal properly if placed in the proposed location.

To help with alignment and placement, I built several guide sticks with square ends that I could clamp in place as spacers--more on this later.


Satisfied with the position marks I'd made, I set up a tick strip board on the marks, and held it in place with a couple hot-melt glue blocks on the hull, and clamped on a couple of the guide spacers to hold the board in the proper position and alignment, along with an additional support running to the cabin trunk to keep the board plumb.   Then, I marked the shape of the hull on the board with a tick strip, as before.  I removed the board and clamps and set them aside for the moment.


Before continuing work on the bulkhead, I turned to the task of painting out the lockers that would soon be hidden beneath the settee platforms.  I vacuumed and solvent-washed the spaces, and applied a coat of Bilgekote paint to the hull and insides of the settee structures, excepting the top edges of the cleats, which I left bare to better accept adhesive during settee installation.


With the paint complete, I had enough time left in the day to transfer the tick strip marks to a sheet of 1/2" cherry plywood, from which I cut the second galley bulkhead.  I briefly test-fit the bulkhead to check the fit (good), and set it aside till tomorrow, when I could continue its fitting steps once the nearby paint was dry.


Total Time Billed on This Job Today:  5.25 hours

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