Kaholee Refit | September 10, 2007

After an early morning SNAFU with the canvas guys--which we eventually resolved satisfactorily, though the whole situation was entirely unnecessary and frustrating since I'd made the appointment weeks ago and confirmed it twice last week--we decided to head off for some boat errands.  The canvas guys would come tomorrow afternoon instead.

We headed to Portland, where we bought the ship's batteries:  twin Trojan T-105s for the house bank and a single Trojan 24SM850 starting battery.  Then we headed to Hamilton Marine for a typically frustrating attempt to fulfill a varied shopping list for the boat.  Nevertheless, Allen managed to buy lots of pieces and parts that we needed--a generally unexciting and surprisingly small pile of gear in the end.  We even made a stop at that "other" store, where Allen bought some of those slick new Spinlock PXR cam cleats for some of the mainsail control lines that we planned to lead to the cockpit.  These events took up most of the day, allowing for travel time and two meals along the way.

Total Time on This Job Today:  8 hours

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