Kaholee Refit | December 20, 2006

I continued with the interior sanding today, and completed the remainder of the saloon, including the hull sides (ceiling), undersides of the sidedecks, and settees.  As before, I ground only enough to ensure good adhesion for future layers of paint.  When the old paint was solidly affixed, I left it in place, as long as I could successfully feather out the edges for a smooth surface. 

Mostly, it was the top layer of paint that had failed, shrinking and shriveling up on itself.  I had to remove all of this layer, which sometimes turned into a gummy mess under the heat and speed of the sanding disc.  I suspected it was latex paint.  Again, the light blue and off-white paint beneath were in sound condition and I saw no reason to completely strip the surfaces.  On the plywood settee tops and sides, I sanded enough to remove loose paint and provide a sound surface for new paint.

Sanding revealed a large square patch on the port side, just above the settee towards the after end.  The patch appeared sound and in good condition.

After sanding most of the interior over the past two days, the dust was thick on the sole and other surfaces.  I swept much of it into a pile and then into the bilge for the moment to get it out of the way and make the cabin at least remotely habitable.

Total Time on This Job Today:  5 Hours

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