Circe | Monday, September 21, 2009

It was a planning and preparation day, mostly, as I got ready to make a major shift in the direction of the project with the interior construction.

My first order of business was to finalize and price the materials required for the interior--plywood and hardwoods--so that I could get that underway and delivered in the near future.  I completed this early in the morning and sent some information off to the owner for approval.

Meanwhile, I sanded Friday's light filler application, completing the deck prep process for the moment.  After cleaning up from the sanding, I prepared the boat for the interior work ahead by installing some protective rosin paper over portions of the cockpit and sidedeck to minimize the impact of frequent foot traffic in and out and provide a place to store tools and equipment during the interior build.  Then, I laid out some of the tools I thought I'd need.


Total Time Billed on This Job Today:  4.25 hours

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